Say Hello To The Birmingham County Scouts Jamboree Unit

The UK Contingent Team will deliver a unique international adventure shaped by young people, where contingent members will develop personally and have a positive longer term impact on Scouting and beyond.

In our two and a half year journey to the Jamboree, we shall be coming together as a team, learning, training and fundraising! The vision for the UK Contingent is to build on Scouting for All.

At BirmingJam, we love Youth Shaped Scouting! It’s important that the young people are a part of the planning and running of the experiences, adventures and development that they’ll be going through. It is their Jamboree and therefore it should be made by the young people for the young people. They will be involved in all areas of our Jamboree preparation: BirmingJam branding, fundraising, the planning and running of training camps and activities…the list is endless!

Jamboree Unit Leaders

Liz Kemp
Since I can remember I’ve always wanted to be a Scout. Going through Rainbows, Brownies, Guides I’d join my Dad’s Cub Pack as often as I could. When I turned 14, I joined the 237th Explorers, Birmingham and got stuck in right away as a young leader at Beavers for my DofE. I left Explorers as Explorer Chairperson having completed all my DofE's and Queen Scout. I’ve now been an ACSL at 237th Friday Cubs for 5 years and an ASL at Thursday Scouts for 2 years. After loving two abroad trips as an Explorer, I joined the leader team in France and Austria helping with the fundraising and heading up the communications team. For Austria, we made the trip as Youth Led as possible. The Scouts chose the programme and uniform and were involved with fundraising and communications. I look forward to doing the same for the Jamboree Unit!
Gez Evans
I have been part of the Scouting family since I was 6. I joined Beavers at the late 139th Selly Oak Methodist, staying on until Scouts and then moving to 113th Ariel. For Ventures and Network, I moved to 281st St David’s taking my initial steps into leadership. My first taste of international travel was on a Join in Jamboree to Holland and I continued my love of travelling, with Vienna 2000 and attending the Thailand Jamboree as IST. Over the last 10 years I have been a part of many groups depending on my Military postings, from Baden Powell House to 1st Windsor. One of the roles that has most influenced me was my time at Great Ormond Street Children Hospital Scouts and Guides. Upon returning to Rea Valley, I joined the team at 95th St Peter’s but I still have an interest in Hospital groups.
Liz Curran
I began my scouting journey as a parent helper at the 237th Scout Group where my two boys are members. I then took the role of ABL and soon became a Beaver Leader. Since, I’ve become the GSL for the 211th based in Nechells, travelled to Spain and Austria with the Scouts, Disneyland Paris with the Cubs, and the list is endless of where I’ve been with the Beavers! I’m proud to have assisted our Queen Scouts and volunteers at Windsor, supported our team at Gilwell and will continue to support Bivouac, BrumJam, Faiths4all and ScoutPride; I've also met Bear Grylls, twice! For the last 6 years I've been working for The Scout Association Regional Service Team, as a Growth & Development Officer, focusing on Adult Recruitment, opening new/helping to grow groups and sections across parts of the West Midlands.
Richard Berry
I started Scouting in 1972 as a Cub Scout with 20th Walsall. I gained my warrant at 18, took over as Scout Leader the same year and completed my Wood Badge Training. I attended two Welsh Jamboree's on the service team in my early 20's and left the group when I was 23 to attend college having completed my Queen Scout and Gold D of E. Since then, I have spent 3 years working in Massachussetts and joined the 1st Harvard BSA Troop as an ASL which I really enjoyed. I met my wife through Scouting and have two boys, 19 and 15, who are both still in Scouting. I joined the 209th, 17th All Saints Sea Scouts Sutton East as ABL and then Beaver Leader shortly afterwards. I assist where required with the other sections and man one of the safety boats during the Summer when we train the Scouts to kayak and sail.