There are a few ways to pay in your fundraising:

  • Use your Scout’s unique reference code and pay online. Account No. 25917668, Sort Code: 77-85-67 And then email Gez to confirm. Remember, badge sale fundraising should be paid in separately using the BF reference code.
  • If you cannot pay via online banking please hand a cheque or cash to Gez at the start of a Unit meeting.
  • If you have received a cheque for individual fundraising efforts send to Gez with your Scout’s unique reference code and name on the back. (See Google Drive banking details document for more information).
  • District fundraising: reference all the individuals and email Gez to confirm. If there are too many to reference, name the payment after the district and email Gez to explain and reference.

Amounts are aimed to be paid in at the start of the month.

A big thank you from all of us at Unit 79 for donating, we really appreciate it. There are a couple of ways to donate:

  • Go to our MyDonate page and make a donation.
  • Or send a cheque made payable to “County of Birmingham – Jamboree” to Birmingham Jamboree Unit 79, 125 Whitecrest, Great Barr, Birmingham, B43 6EX

Check out these free ways to fundraise at no cost to you.

  • Join EasyFundraising so that when you shop online with thousands of retailers, we receive a donation from the retailer (they don’t record any details or keep track of what you are buying)
  • Use EasySearch as your search engine (make it your default for ease) and for every search and click on a result we receive a donation (again they don’t record any details or keep track of what you are searching.
  • If you have any raffle prizes, auction items or grants that could help us fundraise or if your company fund matches we’d love to hear from you. Please contact us at
  • Cans4Cash and Cash4Clothes: We’re collecting aluminium cans and recycling them for cash and doing the same with clothes, duvet cover sets (not actual pillows or duvets), accessories and shoes. If you are able to collect and trade the items, please send a cheque made payable to “County of Birmingham – Jamboree” to Birmingham Jamboree Unit 79, 125 Whitecrest, Great Barr, Birmingham, B43 6EX. If you’d like to pass on the items to us please contact us at

Unit 79 would like to be as green as possible. We’re reducing our waste with Cash4Cans and Cash4Clothes (see How can I help fundraise at no cost to ourselves?) and we’d also like to make a positive impact on the environment by planting trees and offsetting our carbon footprint for our Jamboree journey.

The Unit would like to offer trees for sale, including a cane and plastic spiral to prevent rabbit and deer damage, at £10.00 each. We will place a tag with the name of the sponsor onto the tree and provide information where the tree has been planted.

We are also looking for suitable land to plant trees as we have a limited availability at the moment, so if you have any contact who would be willing to have trees planted, please get in touch with Richard at

Take a look at the Support Our Unit page for more information.